Monday, October 30, 2023

When Dead Men Walk | John 11:1-44

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | When Dead Men Walk | John 11:1-44

In John 11 we read the account of Lazarus’ being raised from the dead. There are several aspects taking place in this story. First, we see the bravery of Jesus to go back to the region where He was almost stoned to death. Second, we see the great love and compassion of Jesus in this account. Jesus cares so much for people that He is willing to enter their broken situations. Jesus not only enters our brokenness but weeps with us. Finally, in Jewish culture there was a belief that the spirit was “locked out” of the body after four days. For Jesus to bring Lazarus back from the dead was a true act of God. Study these questions to apply new life to your life! 

1) In John 11 we read about Jesus raising a dead man back to life. When you think about this, in natural terms, do you struggle to think that Jesus can bring people who are dead back to life? How does this passage stretch your thinking on miracles? 

2) In our passage we see a hesitation from the disciples to go back Judea (read John 11:4-10, 16). Put yourself in the shoes of the disciples; would you be fearful to go back to this region where they recently tried to kill Jesus? Why or why not? 

3) Read John 11:21 & 32. Martha and Mary basically say the same thing to Jesus. Both sisters wish things had turned out differently with their brother. It also seems like they might be blaming Jesus. Have you ever blamed Jesus before the story was finished? Share what you learned with your group. 

4) Part of growing in our walk with Jesus is maturing in our faith. A mature faith is able to recognize that God doesn’t answer all our prayers how we want Him to answer them. Share about a time where you matured in your faith through trials. 

5) Read John 11:23-27. Jesus gives us another “I am” statement here in the Gospel of John. He says, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Share with your group how Jesus has given you new life in the time you’ve been following Him. 

6) This passage highlights the humanity and deity of Jesus (read John 11:35, 44). If someone were to ask you about the humanity and deity of Jesus would you be able to explain that your friend? What verses would you use? 

7) The conclusion of the story is that Lazarus is raised from the dead (read John 11:38-44). Are there places in your spiritual life that feel dead right now and need new life? Share with your group what these places are and ask for prayer. 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Good Shepherd | John 10:1-21

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | The Good Shepherd | John 10:1-21

In John 10 Jesus likens Himself to a Good Shepherd. Living in California we tend to be at a disadvantage to this imaginary. We might have pet a sheep at the zoo or seen one at a petting zoo but we lack the understanding of what a shepherd really does. Palestinian shepherds don’t drive their sheep with dogs but they lead them. Most of their sheep aren’t raised for slaughter but for wool. The shepherd would have a ten to twelve year relationship with the sheep. It was common for shepherds to name their sheep, sheep were extremely valuable to them. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on how Abundant life is found under the protection of Jesus. 

1) Statistics show that that average American adult will live to be 77 years old. The average age decrease for those with a drug or alcohol addiction and increases for those in blue zones. What does it look like to live a full life and not an average life? 

2) Read John 10:1-6. Jesus teaches about the protective role of ancient shepherds. How did this message help you better understand the role of Jesus as a shepherd in your life? Can you think of one way that Jesus has shepherded you? 

3) Jesus taught us that the shepherd knows the sheep and the sheep know the shepherd (see John 10:14). Do you have a habit of listening to the voice of Jesus in your life? Take some time to read and discuss 1 Samuel 3:10. 

4) Jesus describes Himself as the gate for the sheep pen (read John 10:7-10). There is a stark contrast between a gate and a thief. Where do we currently see Jesus protecting us and where do we see the thief trying to destroy us? 

5) Jesus also described Himself as the Good Shepherd (read John 10:11-13). Jesus described several ways that He is the good shepherd in our life. Look over these ways and share where you’ve seen Jesus as the Good Shepherd in your life. 

6) We read that Jesus has a desire for all people to know Him (see John 10:16). Coastline is a church who believes the Gospel is for everyone. Read Genesis 12:1-3, Joel 2:32, and Matthew 28:19-20. How can we be actively involved in growing God’s Kingdom and sharing the love of Jesus? 

7) The conclusion of the story is continued division over who Jesus is (read John 10:19-21). The Pharisees can’t see to agree on who Jesus is. Why do you think they had such a tough time understanding Jesus? 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Spiritual Blindness | John 9

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Spiritual Blindness | John 9

Last week Jesus gave another “I am” statement. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” Today we’ll see that language continued in the Gospel of John. Today we’re looking at a story of a man who was born blind but healed by Jesus. It’s a story that should be encapsulated in joy. The man was blind and can now see! But the man is confronted by the religious leaders after his healing. He is interrogated instead of welcomed into the family of God. Finally the man gets to meet Jesus and learn about having spiritual eyes to see the truth around him. Today we’re going to see how Jesus can heal our eyesight but how Jesus makes blind men see.

1) We all have a story and Jesus came to earth to rewrite our brokenness into hope. Share with your group about when you met Jesus. Briefly talk about how you were once spiritually blind. What happened for your eyes to be opened to Jesus? 

2) The disciples asked Jesus a question about the man born blind (read John 9:1-5). So often we look for an easy to difficult problems. Can you think of a time where bad theology lead to you asking the wrong question? 

3) The healing of this man required obedience on his part (read John 9:6-7). In the Old Testament there is a story about Naaman who needed to act in obedience (read 2 Kings 5:13-15). Where is God asking you to act in obedience? 

4) We know how to act in obedience. We obey traffic patterns, follow the laws of the land, and listen to the instruction of our boss at work. Thinking about acting in obedience, what makes it so difficult to obey God in all areas of our lives? 

5) The Pharisees interrogated this man’s parents about his blindness (read John 9:18-23). His parents were afraid to answer this man because it would affect their status in the synagogue. Is there anyone you’re afraid to talk about Jesus with? 

6) The conclusion is that this man finds sight in Jesus and ultimately meets the one who healed him (read John 35-41). How first response is to worship Jesus. Where is a place where you’ve been withholding worship from Jesus? 

7) We talked about sharing our faith story with those around us by using the model in John 9 and Ephesians 4:22-24. Have you taken the time to write out your faith story? How do you feel about sharing your faith? What are some emotions that are invoked when you think about telling others about what Jesus has done in your life? 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Sunday, October 01, 2023

My backpacking gear list

Growing up in the mountains I started hiking as a little kid. I remember hiking with my mom on some amazing trails. One of my favorite was called Castle Rock. It was a hike where you ended up climbing this huge rock (huge to a 6 year old) and having a view of Big Bear Lake. As a seventeen year old I remember picking up PCT hitchhikers who needed a ride to town. I always dreamed of hiking that trail and maybe one day I will. 

When I was in my twenties I started backpacking. I went to Costa Rica on a trip to build suspending rope bridges for the locals could cross the rivers in the rain forest. It was an amazing trip. Ask me about it one day! Then I did a week in Death Valley and loved it. Sleeping under the stars. Cowboy camping and connecting with God. It was what my soul needed. 

I didn't backpack for a while but have gotten back into it in the last couple of years. I've taken both my daughters to the top of Half Dome and gone backpacking with my son. Sometimes, in my YouTube videos, people ask about my gear.

Here is some of my current gear load out: 

Shadowlight 60L-   

Nemo Tensor-  

Fortuis 1p Tent-  

Stormloft Down Topquilt- 

MSR PocketRocket- 

Toaks 750ml Pot- 

Hiking Shirt- 

Bear Vault- 

Insulated Backpacking Meal Cozy- 

Nitecore NU25- 

Outdoor Vitals Sleeping Bag Liner-

Katedyn Filter- 

Peak Refuel Meals- 


Tiny Pump- 


Trekking Poles- 

Shot on GoPro Hero 8-  

Quick heads up: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase. Thanks for supporting my channel!