On Sunday June 28, I preached against racism. At the bottom of this post I'll share the entire worship gathering. This post isn't about that sermon but about resources that we all need to read to understand the deep seated racism happening in our world. Not just our world, but our nation. Not just our nation, but our cities. Not just our cities but our churches. Some people have allowed subtle and overt racism to take place in their life and we need to actively work to stop that.
Sunday June 28 follow up email
Hi Coastline,
This morning we kicked off a brand new sermon series. At the end of our worship gathering I shared that I would send an email with follow up resources. We want to engage our mind so we can apply what God asks of us in our actions.
Here are some links/ideas to books, videos, and resources to help us have a Biblical view of the harm of racism.
Scripture to read
Genesis 1:26-27
Galatians 3:28-29
Romans 10:12
Micah 6:8
John 3:16
Colossians 3:11
Books to consider
Not all the books on my list are from Christian authors. Most are, but some are not. That means there might be language or stories told that you might not agree with. My hope has always been to read far and wide. Please note that not all thoughts represented in these books are the belief(s) of Coastline but are the authors own thoughts. We are seeking to grow and learn during this time from others. If you are curious about a certain book, reply to this email and let's talk about it.
Divided by Faith
Consuming Jesus: Beyond Race and Class Divisions in a Consumer Church
Be the Bridge: Pursuing God's Heart for Racial Reconciliation
Woke Church
Just Mercy
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Small Great Things: A Novel
A Movie to watch
Just Mercy (Currently free for Amazon Prime customers)
For Families
ARTICLE: Four Questions to Ask Yourself Before Talking to Your Kids About Racism