I remember when I was 5 years old it seemed like Christmas would never get here. I guess when you've only experienced so few Christmas celebrations it seems like it takes forever for the day to arrive. As I look back on life (as a 37 year old now) I've experienced more Christmas celebrations.
Here are some of the highlights for me this year
This year both of my parents have had some medical scares.
When I look on this Christmas I am thankful they are both alive and healthy. My mom and Jerry came up for their annual Christmas trip. We celebrated Christmas at CPC where I was preaching for the morning. Each year we take our family picture in front of the tree in the lobby. We've been doing it since our kids are young. One day I'd like to look back and see all the pictures.
Today, I'm just thankful to have my family in the picture. It was great having my mom with us. Our kids love spending time with Oma and Opa. Isaiah kept saying: "Opa" when they would come over.
This year Sophie was asked to do a Scripture reading at church. Now, I'm sure you're thinking: "Of course she was asked... you're the pastor!" I actually chose not to volunteer Sophie for the reading. As our Foster City Team was thinking up names for the service someone asked if I thought she would be willing to do a reading.
Now if you know Sophie, she isn't about to turn down an opportunity to have a mic in front of a room full of people! She read from the book of Matthew and shared with us about the birth of Christ on Christmas morning!
Christmas day only falls on Sunday once every six years. This was a treat for us because we have never served at a church that held a Christmas Day service. Having Sophie do a Scripture reading the morning I was preaching made the treat even better!

Each year it's a joy to see our kids open their gifts. Early on I was very honest with them when they would ask about Santa. I didn't want to lie to my kids and looking back I might have done things differently (can't change it now). They loved opening their presents! They also made sure Isaiah had ample help with opening his gifts.
As I think back on this Christmas I feel like it was less stressful, encouraging and filling. I loved the time with my family, had a good balance at work and appreciate my wife so much!
Thank you Charity for all you do for our family.
Thank you Jesus for coming to this world to save us!