So I've been processing this post for a little while now...
Many of you know that on August 15th I resigned from
South Hills Church Community in Henderson Nevada to take a new role in the Bay Area. It was a bit scary leaving everything I had known for the last eight years but we are enjoying the new journey and new season in our life. As I write this post its crazy to me that we have been in the Bay Area for over 90 days now. As I have processed the last three months of our lives there are few major phrases that keep coming out of my mouth so I thought I would share them.
The main question that friends have asked us in the last ninety day is: "How's it going?" To be honest its going great! We love it up here. One Friday we took the girls to the park and Charity asked me how I was doing with the transition. I shared with her how much I love my role, love the area and love what we are doing. She communicated to me how much she loved being up here and how happy she sees me in my new role. I am feeling very blessed that God led us here.
About three weeks after we moved here one of the ladies in our office said something to the effect of: "
Neal it just seems like you have always been here." I was so glad to hear that because that is how I feel in my new role. My new role is stretching me in my leadership in many new ways, it has been tough learning so much and being at a new church but I really sense that we just fit here. Since she said that to me I have had others affirm that we really do fit in well here.
One day I was sharing with a friend that I feel like Central Peninsula Church (CPC) really under promised and has over committed to us. Being in ministry for the last decade I have heard the horror stories of guys being promised a certain thing, moving their family across the country only to find out they were totally deceived in the role. That has not been my experience here. I feel like everything that was communicated to me CPC has delivered on, and even more!
As I process the last ninety days I cannot help but share my gratefulness to the people who have invested in me in the last decade of my life. I am thankful for Eastlake Church taking a risk to hire me as an intern. I am thankful for Hope Church giving me an opportunity to help church plant. I am indebted to South Hills Church for letting me minister alongside them for almost eight years. The lessons that I learned in ministry, the teams I partnered with and the people I served with were all key in preparing me for this role.
Thank you for investing in me to further the Kingdom!