Monday, October 21, 2024

Lessons on Humility | 1 Kings 21

This Fall our church is preaching through the life of Elijah. We had some great guests start the series out as I was on sabbatical but now that I'm back I want to share these small group questions with you. The life of Elijah is a story of encouragement to life for God when others around you might be living an ungodly life. Elijah learns to deeply depend on God to meet all his needs. His life is a life lived by faith; no retirement plan, no 401K, and no vacation policy. Elijah stands up to point God's people back to their true King during a dark time in the life of Israel. Study these questions by yourself or with others to grow in your faith! 

Small Group Questions | Lessons on Humility | 1 Kings 21

Elijah lived a life dedicated to God while others in Israel were following the idolatrous reign of Ahab and Jezebel. In 1 Kings 21 we read the story of King Ahab’s desire to acquire a vineyard owned by Naboth, a faithful Israelite who refused to sell his ancestral inheritance. Ahab, upset by the refusal, returns to his palace dejected while his wife goes to work at getting the land for her whining husband. With Naboth dead, God sends Elijah to confront the king on his murderous ways. In response, Ahab humbles himself and sees the error of his wicked ways. This chapter highlights themes of injustice, misuse of power, and God’s righteousness in holding wrongdoers accountable.

1) We all experienced a time in our life when we didn’t get our way or things didn’t go as planned. Share a story about a time in your life when things didn’t go your way and share how you responded to this. 

2)Read 1 Kings 21:1-7. Ahab has an extremely immature response to not getting his ways. In what ways do we sometimes act similarly to Ahab and how can we create more contentment in our lives? (read Prov. 11:25, Phil. 4:11-13, and James 3:16)

3) Read 1 Kings 21:7-17. Jezebel's actions to acquire the vineyard were deceptive and manipulative. What are some subtle or overt ways we see manipulation and injustice in our culture? How can we, as followers of Christ, stand against such actions and pursue justice? (see Isaiah 1:17, Amos 5:24, and Micah 6:8)

4) Read 1 Kings 21:17-19. Elijah confronts Ahab with a message from God. What role does boldness play in speaking truth to power, and how can we apply this in our own lives? How does Galatians 6:1 help us navigate difficult conversations with others?

5) Ahab's response to Elijah's prophecy includes repentance ( read 1 Kings 21:27-29). How do we discern genuine repentance in ourselves and others? What does Psalm 51 teach us about the nature of true repentance when we sin?

6) The injustices in this story can resonate with real-life injustices in our community. Read Proverbs 31:8-9, Mark 2:17, and Luke 10:25-37. How can we, as a small group, seek to promote to those who we come in contact with? 

7) In what ways does this passage challenge us to examine our own hearts for areas of greed, envy, or discontent? How can we practice gratitude and trust in God's provision? (See Jeremiah 17:9, Proverbs 4:23, and 1 Timothy 6:6-10)

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Following God | 1 Kings 19:15-21

This Fall our church is preaching through the life of Elijah. We had some great guests start the series out as I was on sabbatical but now that I'm back I want to share these small group questions with you. The life of Elijah is a story of encouragement to life for God when others around you might be living an ungodly life. Elijah learns to deeply depend on God to meet all his needs. His life is a life lived by faith; no retirement plan, no 401K, and no vacation policy. Elijah stands up to point God's people back to their true King during a dark time in the life of Israel. Study these questions by yourself or with others to grow in your faith! 

Small Group Questions | Following God | 1 Kings 19:15-21

Elijah was a prophet in Israel during the terrifying reign of Ahab and Jezebel. Elijah stood up for God when it seemed like many others were bowing to the idols of the day.  In 1 Kings 19 we read how Elijah was disappointed in the spiritual state of Israel. He was exhausted and felt alone. While meeting with God, Elijah is recommissioned to ministry. God gives Elijah clear instructions on his successor. Immediately Elijah goes and invites Elisha to ministry. Elisha is literally willing to burn all his bridges to follow Elijah and this call of God on his life. Study these questions to see where God is calling you to invest in the lives of others for the sake of the Kingdom. 

1) We all have someone who has made a significant impact on our life. This could be a sports coach, an employer, or someone in the church. Looking back, what made this relationship so unique and so impactful in your life?  

2) Read 1 Kings 19:15-18. Elijah was concerned with the spiritual state of Israel and felt alone. We read that God reserved 7000 who had not participated in idol worship. What are some idols that you can easily turn to in your daily life? 

3) We read how God instructed Elijah to anoint Elisha as his successor. The Bible has several stories of leadership transitions (read Deuteronomy 31:7-8, 1 Samuel 10:1, and Acts 1:8). What do these transitions teach us about God’s plan for His people? 

4) Read 1 Kings 19:19-20. Elijah is obedient to find Elisha and invite him to become his successor. Elisha is obedient to follow after Elijah. When thinking about the obedience of these two men, who holds you back from fully obeying God? 

5) The word “kiss” is used only twice in 1 Kings. The people would kiss the idol as their way to associate with idol worship. What is the modern day version of this? For example what do we do to signify our allegiance to God? 

6) Read 1 Kings 19:21. Elisha literally burns all his bridges and invites his neighbors so they will know what he is planning on doing. What are some things that hold you back from following Jesus and how can you get rid of them from your life? 

7) Pastor Neal said that we are a church with Elijah’s and Elisha’s. What one of these people do you resonate with more? How will you take the application of the sermon to invest your life into someone or find someone to disciple you? 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Exhausted to Commissioned | 1 Kings 19:1-18

This Fall our church is preaching through the life of Elijah. We had some great guests start the series out as I was on sabbatical but now that I'm back I want to share these small group questions with you. The life of Elijah is a story of encouragement to life for God when others around you might be living an ungodly life. Elijah learns to deeply depend on God to meet all his needs. His life is a life lived by faith; no retirement plan, no 401K, and no vacation policy. Elijah stands up to point God's people back to their true King during a dark time in the life of Israel. Study these questions by yourself or with others to grow in your faith! 

Small Group Questions | Exhausted to Commissioned | 1 Kings 19:1-18

In James 5 we read that Elijah was a man just like us. That statement comes to light in our passage today. In 1 Kings 19 we read that Elijah is exhausted, alone, and ready to quit ministry. Elijah’s life is threatened by the evil ruler Jezebel and he is ready to leave. In his darkest moment we see God comfort and restore Elijah. Elijah chooses to flee Israel and ends up in a cave having a conversation with God.  What seems to be the lowest point of Elijah’s life becomes a moment of finding clarity in the will of God. In the quiet moment God speaks life into the exhausted prophet. If you’ve ever been exhausted or deflated, allow this passage of Scripture be an encouragement to you. 

1) Think of a time in your life when you were exhausted or deflated. You might have been battling a tough time in life or fallen into a time of depression. What was that time in your life like and how did you navigate it? 

2)Read 1 Kings 19:1-9. In this passage we read that Elijah’s life was threatened and God took the time to comfort him in his distress. Share about a time in your life when you were deeply scared and how you overcame that fear. 

3) In his distress we read that God comforted Elijah; God never forgot about Elijah. Read Psalm 23:1-3, Isaiah 40:31, Matthew 11:28-29, and 1 Samuel 30:6. How do we allow God to refresh us in some of our darkest moments? 

4) Read 1 Kings 9-10. Elijah felt alone and discouraged at the spiritual condition of Israel. He longed for God’s people to worship God. Looking at your life, what are some things that can bring deep discouragement in your daily life? 

5) Read 1 Kings 19:11-13a. Many of us would love to hear the voice of God in the same way Elijah did. Read: 1 Samuel 3:10, Psalm 5:3, John 10:27 and Revelation 3:20. How can we posture our lives in a way to hear the voice of God? And how come God never seems to show up in the ways we expect? 

6) Read 1 Kings 19:13a-18. The conclusion of our story is that God recommissioned Elijah back to ministry; God gave Elijah a new ministry assignment. Elijah obeys what God asks of him. Where do you have trouble obeying God’s commands? 

7) One of the things that Elijah complained about was feeling and being alone in ministry. It appears that Elisha will now be a ministry companion. Share with your group how doing life with others has encouraged your faith. 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Defined by Prayer | James 5:13-20

This Fall our church is preaching through the life of Elijah. We had some great guests start the series out as I was on sabbatical but now that I'm back I want to share these small group questions with you. The life of Elijah is a story of encouragement to life for God when others around you might be living an ungodly life. Elijah learns to deeply depend on God to meet all his needs. His life is a life lived by faith; no retirement plan, no 401K, and no vacation policy. Elijah stands up to point God's people back to their true King during a dark time in the life of Israel. Study these questions by yourself or with others to grow in your faith! 

Small Group Questions | Defined by Prayer | James 5:13-20

This Fall we’re studying the life of Elijah in the Old Testament. Elijah is known as one of the primary prophets who confronted idol worship in Israel. This Sunday we looked into the New Testament to bring the mission and vision back in front of us. The mission of our church is quite powerful and simple— Helping people find and follow Jesus. Our vision is— Coastline is united in reaching and discipling 1% of our community for Jesus. We have a big vision, a big vision to see life change in our community; marriages healed, kids growing up in Godly homes, people saved from addiction, and so much more. Study these questions to see how we can become a praying church. 

1) Think of a time in your life when you needed to make a big decision. This decision was so big that you really didn’t have the margin to mess it up. Share with your group about that decision and the role prayer played in helping you make the choice. 

2) Read James 5:17. James teaches us that Elijah is a human being just like us. So often in the Christian life we put the heroes of the Bible of a pedestal. How does James teaching help you see yourself differently? 

3) Thinking more about our humanity, share some stories with your group about when you’ve seen God use ordinary people to do extraordinary things for the Kingdom? This might be helping others out, emotional support, or times of prayer. 

4) Read James 5:17. We read that Elijah’s life was defined by earnest prayer. What are some things that you are earnestly praying for God to do right now? What are the things that distract you from earnestly praying? 

5) Throughout the Scriptures we find several examples of regular and faithful prayer. Read Mark 1:35, Psalm 5:3, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and Daniel 6:10. When looking at these examples of prayer when is the best time for you to commit to praying? 

6) Read James 5:17-18. We read that God answered Elijah’s prayer. God is a God who hears the prayers of His people. Read Jeremiah 33:3, Mark 11:24, and Matthew 7:7-8. What are some prayers that you are longing for God to answer right now? 

7) At the end of his letter James instructs the early church to bring people back from their wandering sin (read James 5:19-20). When you think about sharing your faith what comes to mind? Does it scare you, thrill you, or somewhere in the middle? 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Look up, Look down, Look to God | Matthew 6:25-34

We just started a brand new sermon series called: Real Talk. The Bible teaches us that we’re body, mind, and soul. In this new series we’re going to look at what Scripture teaches about: anxiety, fear, and worry. I need you to know that as much counseling I’ve done, I’m not a therapist. I’m not a mental health professional. I'm a pastor and a theologian. During this sermon series we’re going to look at what is happening in our culture surrounding fear, worry, and anxiety. We’re going to see what Scripture teaches us on those subjects. It seemed helpful to share these small group questions for others to view/use. 

Small Group | Look up, Look down, Look to God | Matthew 6:25-34

According to recent data, about 19% of adults were diagnosed with an anxiety disorder this past year and 31% will deal with it sometime in their lifetime. The Bible offers us solutions to deal with our fear, worry, and anxiety. That is why we’re looking at what God’s word says when we are struggling with these things. In this new series we’re going to look at what Scripture teaches about: anxiety, fear, and worry. I’m praying for God to show up in a powerful way in this series. This series isn’t just for us but for those who we are connected with. Today we’re going to look up to the birds, look down to the flowers, and then look to God.

1) According to recent data, about 19% of adults were diagnosed with an anxiety disorder this past year and 31% will deal with it sometime in their lifetime. Share a time in your life when you struggled with anxiety or worry. What/who helped you? 

2) Read Matthew 6:25-27. Jesus begins this section of teaching by instructing us to look at the birds and how God provides for them. Jesus teaches that we are more valuable than the birds, do you believe that? Why or why not? (see Genesis 1:26-27) 

3) Jesus asks us if we can add a single hour of our life by worrying? What are some of things that you find yourself worrying about the most in life and what triggers that worry? Read Matthew 11:28-30, Colossians 3:15, and Psalm 55:22. 

4) Read Matthew 6:28-32. Jesus makes the correlation that our worry reveals a lack of faith in our life. Read Hebrews 11:1, 6, and Romans 10:17. What are some practical steps we can take to reduce our worry and increase our faith in God? 

5) Jesus reminds us that God will provide our most basic needs in life: food and clothing but sometimes that is hard to see given the consumerism taking place around us. Share with your group a personal story of when you saw God provide.

6) Read Matthew 6:33-34. Instead of focusing on what we don’t have or the selfish desires of our heart, we are invited to seek the Kingdom of God first. What are some ways we can seek God’s Kingdom and righteousness on a daily basis? 

7) In the sermon we learned four ways to seek God’s Kingdom First: We live within our means, We focus on what we need and not what we want, We let go of the things of this world, We honor the Sabbath. What one of those would you like to work on the most this week? What one is most difficult for you to apply when you’re worried? 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Life in Christ | John 20:30-31

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Life in Christ | John 20:30-31

This week we finished our sermon series through the Gospel of John. Throughout this year of studying the Gospel we’ve seen the miracles and truth of Jesus. We’ve learned about the teaching of Jesus and what it means to follow Him. We’ve slowly walked through some tough passages that have shaped our faith in a new way this last year. During our journey through the Gospel we came to meet Jesus Christ in a powerful way. Today we’ll conclude with the purpose of John’s writing and we’ll look at the seven “I am” statements of Jesus. As we near the end of the John wants to be certain that the read understands his purpose for writing this account. 

1) Neal shared that we live in a culture that is obsessed with living longer and figuring out the science/data to make that happen. If you did live for a decade longer than you expected what would you do with that ten years?

2) Tucked near the very end of the Gospel we read the purpose: John 20:30-31. John wrote this account so that anyone who reads it would believe in Jesus. How has your faith in Jesus changed over the last year of being in this Gospel account? 

3) Jesus told the crowds that He is the bread of life and the light of the world (read John 6:35 and 8:12). Throughout Scripture we see God provide for His people and illuminate their path (1 Kings 19:3-8 and Psalm 119:105). Share a time when God provided for your needs or bright light to a dark place in your life. 
4) Jesus tells us that He is the gate and the Good Shepherd (read John 10:7-11). Jesus is our constant protector and provider (read Psalm 28:7 and Psalm 23). What has changed in your life since letting Jesus be your Good Shepherd? 

5) Jesus is the one who holds the security of our eternal life and points us to the truth in God (read John 11:25-26 and 14:6). We live in a world that is filled with fake news and half-truths. What is one truth of Jesus that you regularly cling to? 

6) Jesus teaches us that He is the true vine. When our lives are connected to Him is when we live in the purpose He has for us (read John 15:1-4). How have you learned to remain or abide in Jesus? How has that changed your life? 

7) John teaches us that the result of believing in Jesus is life in His name. Think about one way that your life has drastically changed since following Jesus. Share that with your group as a way to praise God for the life change He has done in you. 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Loving others | John 21:15-25

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Loving others | John 21:15-25

John 18-21 primarily focus on the arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. In John 21 we read that the disciples went back to fishing. This a common thing for people to return to what is achievable when a perceived failure has occurred. After a horrible night of fishing Jesus appears to the disciples and makes them a meal. John is stressing the point that Jesus resurrected and is giving examples of his encounters with the resurrected Jesus. A primary focus of the second half of John 21 is the restoration of Peter back to the ministry. Jesus has a personal conversation with him that reconfirms his love for Jesus. This conversation is what brings Peter back to ministry. 

1) Think of a time where you wanted to throw in the towel on something (could be work, family, a sport, or ministry). What kept you engaged in that activity? Share details with your group about what kept you from quitting. It could be a Bible verse, a friend, or your spouse. If you did quit, what ultimately led to that decision? 

2) Read John 21:10-14. The disciples had just encountered the most stressful and traumatic week of their life. Their response is to return to fishing. How do you think this meal with Jesus refreshed them on the shoreline of the Sea of Galilee? 

3) While Jesus and Peter are walking down the shoreline Jesus asks Peter three times if Peter loves Him (read John 21:15-17). Even though Peter was hurt by this, how do you think this conversation impacted Peter’s future in ministry? 

4) Jesus told Peter to feed or take care of His sheep. If people are like sheep, how can we show the love of Jesus to those in our circle of influence? Come up with three practical ways your group can love others this week. (see Matthew 22:37-40) 

5) Immediately after Peter is restored to his role as a disciple, Jesus tells him about the kind of death Peter will experience (read John 21:18-23). How can a person glorify God in their life and in their death? What does that practically look like? 

6) Throughout our passage there is line that Jesus repeats: “Follow Me”. This is the same line Jesus said to the disciples in John 1:43. Where are some places you do great at following Jesus and what are some areas you’d like to improve in this area?

7) John concludes the gospel by saying that “Jesus did many other things…” Think about the last year of our time in the Gospel of John. What are some of the things that stand out the most to you? What has shaped your faith the most? 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Thursday, May 02, 2024

Pilate on Trial | John 18:28-40

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Pilate on Trial | John 18:28-40 

John 18-21 primarily focus on the arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. John 18 focuses on the unfair, unjust, midnight trail of Jesus. The first half of John 18 focuses on the Jewish part of the trial while the second half focuses on the Roman part of the trial. In our passage today we will see Jesus brought to the second phase of His trail. In our text Jesus is brought before Pilate for the Roman part of His trail. To best understand our passage today we need to put on the lens of a first century lawyer. Understanding the legal system of the first century will help us understand this passage best. Think about the sermon and work through these questions as a group. 

1) Every healthy society has good rules. If you look at the safest cities in the world it is because they have good rules in place. What are some of the safest and least safe countries in the world? Talk about the difference we see in these places. 

2) We learned three parts of Jesus’ trial were illegal: It was done through treachery and without the appropriate paperwork, It started with a private hearing from Annas the High Priest, and it broke Jewish Law. How does knowing this make you feel? 

3)Read John 18:28-32. History never painted Pilate as a compassionate man but it seems he wanted nothing to do with the trial of Jesus. Read Matthew 27:19, Mark 15:1, and Luke 23:13-16. What do these verses teach us about Jesus’ innocence? 

4) The Jewish leaders brought charges against Jesus. Read John 4:25-26, 5:16-18,  and Matthew 22:15-22. Jesus claimed to be God, healed on the Sabbath, and talked about tax laws. Are these charges worthy of death? Why or why not? 

5) Read John 18:32-38. Pilate engaged Jesus in a conversation that was dripping with legal sense. This interaction teaches us about the legal trial Jesus endured. Where does this passage give you the hope of heaven and Jesus’ coming Kingdom? 

6) Jesus told Pilate that His Kingdom was a from another place. Take some time in your group to talk about what matters most to kings on the earth (land, people, taxes, ETC) and what is Jesus’ primary focus of His Kingdom? 

7) Jesus said, “Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” What does the Bible teach us about truth (Exodus 20:16, Titus 1:2, John 14:6, and 2 Timothy 2:15)? Think about how our world would be different if everyone told the truth. How has the truth of God transformed the way you live your life? 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Book Review- Biblical Critical Theory

In Biblical Critical Theory Christopher Watkin focuses on how the story of the Bible seeks to make sense of the current culture we find ourselves in. For decades Watkin was reading books about how the Bible and culture intersect. He never felt he found one that accurately described what he read in Scripture and saw in culture, so he wrote this book. Watkin shares with the reader that he will begin in Genesis and walk through the entirety of Scripture to help the reader understand how to view the world through the lens of the Bible. In the 600+ pages Watkin is able to highlight the word of God and contrast how God’s word invites us to view culture around us. 

Understanding the complexity of integrated Biblical Truths, Watkis comes up with a unique way to explain these. For example the Bible teaches that Ultimate reality is absolute and personal. Watkins employs a technique called: Diagonalization that allows him to present two Biblical truths and connect them to an overarching truth of God. The diagonalization of the example would be that God is: absolute personality theism. Some might view diagonalization as a compromise but this presents “a positive and viable third way” for us to view Scripture. Watkins invites the reader to think of complex Biblical truths by using this method throughout the entire book. For the person who enjoys visual examples, there are great illustrations to visually explain these. 

Throughout the book the author brings in a variety of different Scripture passages to help explain the point(s) he is making. Watkins writes at a level where scholars and laymen can both understand his concepts. The book could have been high and lofty but Watkins has made it acceptable to basically anyone with a desire to better understand the world they live in through the lens of God’s word. The dedicated reader will appreciate how Watkins highlights how Christ is the heart of the Bible through an example of the metro system in France. Watkins likens the truth of Jesus to the metro system in Paris and advocates for Jesus as the heart of the Bible. 

Throughout the book Watkins brings in the historical culture that the original audience would have experienced when Scripture was written to them. This helps the reader to understand what was taking place for the original audience. But the author doesn’t leave the historical study there. He then takes time to help the reader understand the original purpose of the passage in light of our current culture. This is done through personal examples, short stories, and Marvel movie references. Watkin is able to speak of culture while living in culture and loving the Word of God. It’s obvious that Watkin is a student of the Bible and culture (it appears in that order.).  Finally the reader will be impressed by the ability of Watkins to have a grasp on the entirety of Scripture. It seems that Watkins is fluent in forms of Biblical literature. He can look at Israel’s past, the coming of Christ, Pauline literature, and Eschatology. One can appreciate how Watkin doesn’t shy away from passages or concepts that are difficult to understand. 

As I think about my evaluation of the Critical Biblical Theory I’d like to begin with the storngs points I found in the book. Looking at the entirety of the book I think Watkin invited me to understand culture through the lens of Scripture. As a, husband, father of three children, friend, and pastor, I can start to view the world through a variety of lenses. I can succumb to the problems my children are encountering. I can complain to my friends. I can miss the plan God has laid out for us. Watkin gave me a fresh reminder to view the entirety of my life through the lens of the Bible. I know it might sound simple but I think his writing style invites the reader to think deeply about the world around us. I liked that I found myself talking with my wife and friends about this book. His writing caused me to look at dates with my wife, my time at the gym, and reading the Bible differently. 

In addition to that, another strong point is his ability to span different eras of authors to help articulate the point he is making. When we think about how culture is rapidly changing we have to take into consideration how the authors before us viewed culture. Watkin is able to reflect on how others viewed the culture they lived in and weave that into his thought process. As a reader, you can tell Watkin reads wide and deep. The way he integrates thoughts from different authors added a special treat to the book; just like mashed potatoes are better with butter. I liked seeing what authors had shaped him. And found that their influence in this book was a reminder of how wide and deep our Christian faith is. 

Thinking about the entirety of this book I do think there are some weaknesses that can be addressed. The one I will focus on is how there are parts of the book that are difficult to understand. I can tell that Watkin understands what he is writing about but there were times where I had a tough time understanding the primary point he was trying to communicate. I think the reading level is appropriate for our level but I share this point because I was talking with my best friend about this book. He made a simple comment on how the introduction was tough to get through but the book got better and better. I agree with that comment. I was a tough nervous about a 600 page book but think the book got better and better. There were times I had to re-read sections to make sure I was understanding what he was writing. 

An overall observation of the book is that Watkins does a good job incorporating the multiple diagrams in the book. I appreciate his intentional effort to insert these. Watkin seems to understand that readers learn in different ways. The diagrams broke up the text and help the reader to see concepts presented in a different mode. This was especially helpful for the diagonalization examples that were presented throughout the book. But only that. The book contained examples that helped us understand how God interacted with mankind and how that was starkly different than how others god related to people. 

Thinking about what I learned from this book several things come to mind and one I’d like to write about. On page 185, Watkin introduced us to: The n-Shaped Dynamic. The idea of this way of relating to God is similar to the majority of ancient pagan religions. The concept is that we offer something to the god and returns our action with a blessing. This is a concept that I had never known or considered as I read the Old Testament. The best part of this dynamic is when Watkin flipped the concept to: The u-Shaped Dynamic. I think way to flip the script was a genius idea. I had thought about God serving us (think John 13 when Jesus washes the feet of the disciples) but this idea helped me to see it throughout Scripture. I enjoyed how Watkin continued to present this idea throughout Scripture and return to this idea. 

The second lesson I learned from this book comes on page 289. I had never thought of Samuel holding the roles of: Prophet, Judge, and Priest. I know he held all the roles but Watkin highlighted how no one in the Old Testament has held all three roles since Moses. And that after the death of Samuel, no one will hold all three roles until the arrival of Jesus. This is something that will preach and help the church I serve understand God’s word more fully. In addition to this, I really appreciated his sumamry of Keller’s arguement for the letter to Corinth. I have yet to preach through the book of Corinthians and will be using that material when I do. 

I was talking with a friend this week and said something to the effect of, “This book has 200 quotes I can use in a sermon. The one thing I would like to see in this book, if I have to have a suggestion for improvement, would be to have parts of the book translated down so I could use this book in a small group setting. It has all the elements of being practically used in the local church and impacting culture! 

Monday, March 18, 2024

Deny Everything | John 18:1-27

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Deny Everything | John 18:1-27

John 18 begins a new section in the Gospel of John. This section starts the path to the cross for Jesus, the resurrection, and the reinstatement of Peter. In our text today we will see that Peter denied Jesus three times on the night of His arrest. It must have been a frightening night for the disciples to witness the arrest of Jesus. In John 13 we read that Judas left the Passover meal to hand Jesus over to the Religious Leaders. During the arrest we see Jesus intentionally protect the disciples to keep them safe. While Jesus is in an unfair, unjust, midnight courtroom is when Peter denies Jesus. He leaves the situation broken and in tears. 

1) In the sermon it was said that Peter was taught to deny anything the Roman empire asked him about. What is something that your parents taught you, good or bad, that you still fall back on to this day? 

2) Read John 18:1-7. Judas knew exactly where Jesus would be and choose to intentionally betray Jesus. Think about a time in your life when you were betrayed. How it feel? What emotions did you experience? How did you get through it? 

3) During His arrest Jesus stood up to protect the disciples (had John 18:8-9). Using your voice to protect others can be bold and scary. Share a time when you spoke up to protect others or when you did not speak up but kept quiet. 

4) Peter acts rashly and almost kills a man (read John 18:10-12). What do you think made Peter act in this manner to try to behead one of the soldiers? How do you think you would act if you were in the garden that night? 

5) Read John 18:15-18). It’s late at night and Peter denies Jesus. In what situations are you tempted to hide your faith to protect yourself? Do you feel adequately prepared to share your faith when the right time presents itself? (see 1 Peter 3:15-16). 

6) Read John 18:19-24. While Jesus was being falsely accused He was slapped in the face for His reply to the High Priest. What does this slap say about our culture? Where in culture do you see people trying to push Jesus out of things? 

7) Peter ends up denying Jesus two more times (read John 18:27-27). Peter made a mistake but it seems to be out of self-preservation. What can learn about Peter’s situation and the words that come out of our mouth? 

8) Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

United  | John 17

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone. 

Small Group Questions | United  | John 17

Life can sometimes feel like the game of Jenga. Pieces are moving, things are unstable, and who knows what will happen next! In John 13-17, Jesus teaches the disciples in a famous part of Scripture known as the Upper Room Discourse. Today we come to John 17 and finish the Upper Room Discourse. For the last several chapters Jesus has taught on love, serving others, and the Kingdom of God. Today we come to a beautiful passage in Scripture where Jesus prays for the disciples and prays for us. Jesus prays for you. As we study John 17 we will see how Jesus longs for us to be united in this world that so easily causes division.

1) The sermon started with an example from the game of Jenga. Thinking about this example, share about what are some of the most vital parts of your spiritual life. How do you see the unity of the game of Jenga as an example of your spiritual growth? 

2) Read John 16:1-5. Jesus main desire was to bring glory to the Father (Read John 1:1-5). How does the relationship between God and Jesus encourage you to have a healthy relationship with your heavenly Father? 

3) Neal said: “If God answered all your prayers from the last week, would the world be a better place?” How did this make you think of your prayer life? Read these verses to help the discussion: Matthew 5:44, Ephesians 6:18, and Colossians 1:9. 

4) Read John 17:6-19. Jesus prays for the disciples to be protected after He departs back to the Father. What are some of the troubles that the disciples would encounter after Jesus’ ascended back to Heaven? (see Acts 12:2, 14:19-20, and 1 Peter 1:1-2).

5) While on earth Jesus was intentional to invest Himself into the disciples. Who are some of the people who’ve invested in your spiritual life? What did they teach you and how can you follow their lead to invest into others? (see Matthew 28:18-20). 

6) Read John 17:20-26. Jesus prayed for you to stay strong in a hostile world and for unity in the local church. In your group come up with five practical ways that you can help promote unity in the local church. 

7) Thinking of the entirety of John 17, how does this chapter impact your prayer life? Share with your group a handful of ways you want to grow in your prayer life and what will need to change for that to take place. 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Thursday, March 07, 2024

Evidence of The Spirit  | John 15:26-16:15

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Evidence of The Spirit  | John 15:26-16:15

All of us have been in a place in our life where we needed help from someone. In our passage today Jesus continues to explain to the disciples His departure and the sending of the Holy Spirit. The upper room discourse is the final teaching of Jesus that we have before He went to the cross. Much of the teaching is focused on loving others and spreading the Gospel. Jesus teaches the disciples about the coming of the Holy Spirit and what that means for their lives. We’re going to see how The Spirit is the spirit of truth, that it’s actually good for us for Jesus to return to heaven, and how we can walk in the truth of God.

1) Thinking about the last couple of months, when have you needed help with something in your life? It might help with a project around the house, something at work, or your taxes. Share how you asked for help in this situation. 

2) Read John 15:26-27. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit and that the Spirit would guide us in all truth. Share with your group at least one truth that you have learned from following Jesus that you didn’t live in before trusting Jesus. 

3) Neal took some time to teach us about: Relative and Absolute truth. What is the downside of a culture that continues to push relative truth? How can we, as believers, help people to see the Absolute truth of Jesus? 

4)Read John 16:1-5. Jesus has been extremely repetitive in His teaching. Look back in the previous couple of chapters of John and share with your group what you see in this repetition. Why is this repetition important for our Christian walk? 

5) Jesus promised that His departure would bring the presence of the Holy Spirit (read John 16:7). How do you walk daily in the presence of the Holy Spirit? If you struggle with this, share how you’d like to walk more in the presence of the Holy Spirit for life change. 

6) Jesus said the Holy Spirit would: convict us of sin, teach us about righteous living, and be the rational for judgement. Talk about how this progression leads to life change as you follow Jesus. 

7) Read Acts 2:36-41. After Jesus has ascended back into heaven we read this powerful account of the Holy Spirit at work. Where do you want to see the Holy Spirit move in a powerful way in your life and our church family? 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

A Cautionary Tale  | John 15:18–25

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | A Cautionary Tale  | John 15:18–25

Growing up many of us were told ‘cautionary tales’. This could have been not to eat watermelon seeds, swallow bubble gum, or to go outside with wet hair. For the last couple of weeks, in the Gospel of John, we’ve seen this reoccurring theme of love. Jesus instructed them to keep His commands as a way to show their love for Jesus. Today we have a turn in our passage. Today Jesus is going to tell them that the world is going to hate them. It’s a cautionary tale but one that will come true. Jesus is preparing for them for what will happen to them for following Him. Jesus wants them to know that those who follow Him will endure persecution and be hated.

1) Think of some of the cautionary tales you were told as a kid. It might have been, about food, facial features, swimming, what happens with food, or something else. Share one of your favorites from your childhood with the group. 

2) Read John 15:18-19. Jesus told the disciples they would be hated by the world for two reasons: They are not of the world and They identify with Jesus. As someone who identifies with Jesus do you feel like the world hates you for following Jesus? 

3) Think historically for this question: Much of Christianity has experienced persecution for following Jesus. Share some things that seem like persecution and then share things that are really examples of persecution. 

4) Have everyone in the group take out their phone and do some quick research on global statistics for persecution and martyrdom against Christians. What does the research data show about persecution that is happening right now? Thinking of these statistics: what surprises you most and what saddens you the most? 

5) Read John 15:20-25. Jesus was hated by the world for His words and His works. What are the works of Jesus that are so off-putting to those in the world? What do we like the least about our sin being brought into the light? 

6) Most of the American church has yet to experience persecution yet. When you think of this passage, what are you most fearful about if persecution does come to the American church? How do you think you will respond when it comes? 

7) Neal used an illustration of a ladder to explain how we try to straddle the things of the world while walking with Jesus. What are some things of the world that you want to let go of so you can cling more to Jesus this year? 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

Remain  | John 15:1–17

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Remain  | John 15:1–17

Last week we finished John 14 and talked about evidence of our love for God. This week we remain in the Upper Room discourse from Jesus to His disciples. Our entire teaching is from Jesus. In our passage Jesus gives us another “I am” statement. Jesus says, “I am the true vine…” Most of us don't think of Jesus as a vine but the illustration is that we need to be connected to the vine. In a culture who thought with an agriculture mindset this was normal to them. For many of us we can relate to this because of all the agriculture around us. In our passage we will talk about remaining in Jesus and what pruning in our lives looks like. 

1) The 30-day minimalism game was invented by Ryan Nicodemus and Joshua Fields Millburn. They developed this game as a great way to jump-start the decluttering journey. Do you have parts of your house or life you’d like to declutter? 

2) In John 15:1 we read another “I am” statement from Jesus. This is the last “I am” statement Jesus makes. Read John 6:35, 8:12, 10:7, 11:25, and 14:6. What do you learn about the character and nature of Jesus from these different statements? 

3) Jesus says that God prunes away the parts of our life that do not bear fruit so we can be more fruitful for the Kingdom (read John 15:1-4). What are some areas of your life where you’d like Jesus to prune away so you can be more fruitful? 

4) Read John 15:5-8. The passage is repetitive about remaining in Jesus. Our culture isn’t great at being patient and sticking things through. Sometimes we just want to give up or quit. What have you learned about the value of not quitting but remaining? 

5) Jesus says that we can ask for whatever we want and it will be done for us (see John 15:7-8). Is Jesus giving us permission to ask for anything or is His statement a truth for those who are genuinely seeking to build the Kingdom? Could this statement be more about ministry than personal gain?  

6) Jesus teaches us that an outcome of remaining in Him is that we bear fruit. What does it look like for a Christian to bear fruit? Can you think of places in your life where you’re bearing fruit and places in your life that are fruitless? 

7) In John 13-15 we’ve seen a repetition on love (read John 13:34-35, 14:15, 23-24, and 15:13-17. Take some time as a group to read these verses and discuss what it looks like to a be a community of people who love others well. 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Monday, January 29, 2024

Evidence of our love  | John 14:15-31

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Evidence of our love  | John 14:15-31

In John 13-17 we see Jesus take time to intentionally teach the disciples about His upcoming departure. In our passage today Jesus starts out with a conditional statement about their love for Jesus. Jesus says that we show our love for Him by obeying His commandments. Throughout our text we’re going to read that lesson taught time and time again. Jesus knows that the cross awaits and it seems like no matter how many times Jesus teaches that lesson to the disciples they can’t grasp it. Our text also has one of the greatest promises from Jesus; the Holy Spirit. In the next couple of chapters we will learn more about the work of the Holy Spirit from Jesus. 

1) Neal shared a story about speeding on his drive to seminary. Instead of lying to the officer he told the truth. Share a time when you broke the law and got caught. What was the crime and what was the punishment? 

2) Read John 14:15, 21, 23-24. Jesus says that if we love Him we will obey His commands. As you think about the commands of Jesus, what are some of the most difficult for you to obey? (see Matthew 6:34, 7:12, 22:39, 28:19-20)

3) Read John 14:18-20. Jesus promises to leave the Holy Spirit and that even though Jesus is gone, He will remain with us. Share about a time in your life when you felt lonely but realized that Jesus was still with you and He comforted you. 

4) In John 14:16 Jesus tells the disciples that He will send the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit came for an event, reason, or purpose (read Judges 6:34, 15:14, 1 Samuel 16:14, and 2 Chronicles 24:20). What is the difference of the momentary experiences in the Old Testament and promise Jesus makes here?

5) Jesus says that our love for Him will be evident in our obedience to His commands (read John 14:15, 21, 23-24). Think about how you show love to those who are closest to you, share some of those examples with your group. Why do you do this? 

6) The Bible gives us several examples of people who loved God and expressed that through obedience (read Daniel 10:11, James 2:23, Acts 13:22, and John 13:23). Why is Jesus so repetitive in us loving Him?

7) Read John 14:26. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and remind us of everything Jesus said. Share a time when you found yourself in a situation where the Holy Spirit reminded you of the truth of God. 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Flip Fuel 20% off coupon

Several times last year I saw info on the flip fuel or other similar devices. Last month I finally got my hands on one and I think this is going to be a game changer for backpacking. No more half empty cans. No more debating what can to bring on your next trip. Less waste!

If you want a Flip Fuel at 20% off use my code: NEAL20 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Three Choices  | John 13:18-38

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Three Choices  | John 13:18-38

Today we’re moving back into the Gospel of John. In John 1 we’re introduced to Jesus as the Son of God. These are some of the most elevated statements about Jesus in the entire New Testament. Next, in John 2-10 the primary focus is on the miracles, signs, teaching, and controversies surrounding Jesus. We see Jesus turn water into wine, feed the masses, and teach like no one has ever taught. Next, in John 11-12 we read that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Jesus puts Himself in harms way to heal His friends. It’s a selfless act of love. All of this leads us to John 13 where we start the upper room discourse where Jesus gives the disciples a new command to love. 

1) When you heard the story of the elementary boy who made his own T-shirt for the college color day at his school what did you think? Did the story bring up any emotion or thoughts for you about loving others and how to do that better? 

2) In John 13 Jesus gives the disciples a new command to love each other (Read John 13:34-35). This command was given to those who follow Jesus. What makes it easy to love some people and what makes it challenging to love others? 

3) As we think about loving others what are some lessons you’ve learned that have helped you love others? Read these passages and use them as prompt to help you love others (1 Corinthians 13:4, Romans 13:8, Philippians 2:3, and Mathew 5:43-48)  

4) The opposite of love is to betray a person. Judas had already struck a deal with the religious leaders to hand Jesus over (read John 13:18-30). What do you think are the small choices that Judas made to come to this big decision to betray Jesus? 

5) Being betrayed might be one of the most heart wrenching things that can happen to us in life. If you’re willing to share about a time you were betrayed and how you dealt with that. When betrayal happens, how can you turn to Jesus who also knows what it’s like to be betrayed? 

6) Near the end of our passage Jesus predicts Peter’s upcoming denial (read John 13:36-38). Peter is a man who is zealous for Jesus and can’t fathom this happening. What happens in our life that lead to us slowly walking away from Jesus? 

7) When you think about the entirety of this passage what stands out most to you? Do you think you’re in a spot where you would betray Jesus, are you considering denying Jesus? Where can you grow in your love for others this week?  

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Monday, November 13, 2023

Prepare for the King | John 12:1-19

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Prepare for the King | John 12:1-19

John 1-11 focus on the life, ministry, and miracles of Jesus. John does a great job at showing us the powerful work of Jesus in Israel. In those chapters we’ve seen: Jesus call the disciples, Jesus feed thousands of people, the blind are healed, the dead have been raised, and the Jewish leaders are not happy. John 12 serves as a transitional chapter from the miracles of Jesus to the final week of Jesus’ life on earth. John focuses our attention on the coming King. We see Jesus anointed by Mary and praised by the crowd. It’s evident that the good news of Jesus is spreading far and wide. Study these questions to see how your understanding of Jesus drives your worship of Jesus. 

1) The Westminster Shorter Catechism says: “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.” When you think about worshipping God what is your go to? In other words, what is your favorite way to worship God? 

2) Read John 12:1-3. Our passage begins with a story of Mary anointing Jesus. Many scholars think this was in preparation for His upcoming burial. Thinking of her actions, what worldly possession would it be hard for you to give up for Jesus? 

3) Read John 12:4-6. Take some time, as a group, to look at the difference in Mary’s action and Judas desires. Compare the way both people responded to Jesus and what they teach us about worshipping Jesus. 

4) In the Gospel of John we often find Mary at the feet of Jesus (see John 11:32). Her understanding of Jesus drove her worship of Jesus. Neal taught us that the modern equivalent is reading our Bible. Where are you currently reading your Bible and how is that growing your walk with Jesus? 

5) The crowd had an understanding of Jesus that surpassed their expectations, hence they chose to worship Jesus (read John 12:12-16). What would it take for you to be interrupted, change your plans, and focus all your attention on worshipping Jesus? 

6) Read John 12:9-11. We read that many of the Jews began to believe in Jesus because of the miracles that Jesus was accomplishing. Where have you seen Jesus show up and do a miracle in your life? How did that strengthen your faith? 

7) Read John 12:17-19. The crowd continued sharing the good news of Jesus with those around them. Studies show that over half of Christians have never shared their faith. What holds you back from sharing your faith? 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Monday, October 30, 2023

When Dead Men Walk | John 11:1-44

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | When Dead Men Walk | John 11:1-44

In John 11 we read the account of Lazarus’ being raised from the dead. There are several aspects taking place in this story. First, we see the bravery of Jesus to go back to the region where He was almost stoned to death. Second, we see the great love and compassion of Jesus in this account. Jesus cares so much for people that He is willing to enter their broken situations. Jesus not only enters our brokenness but weeps with us. Finally, in Jewish culture there was a belief that the spirit was “locked out” of the body after four days. For Jesus to bring Lazarus back from the dead was a true act of God. Study these questions to apply new life to your life! 

1) In John 11 we read about Jesus raising a dead man back to life. When you think about this, in natural terms, do you struggle to think that Jesus can bring people who are dead back to life? How does this passage stretch your thinking on miracles? 

2) In our passage we see a hesitation from the disciples to go back Judea (read John 11:4-10, 16). Put yourself in the shoes of the disciples; would you be fearful to go back to this region where they recently tried to kill Jesus? Why or why not? 

3) Read John 11:21 & 32. Martha and Mary basically say the same thing to Jesus. Both sisters wish things had turned out differently with their brother. It also seems like they might be blaming Jesus. Have you ever blamed Jesus before the story was finished? Share what you learned with your group. 

4) Part of growing in our walk with Jesus is maturing in our faith. A mature faith is able to recognize that God doesn’t answer all our prayers how we want Him to answer them. Share about a time where you matured in your faith through trials. 

5) Read John 11:23-27. Jesus gives us another “I am” statement here in the Gospel of John. He says, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Share with your group how Jesus has given you new life in the time you’ve been following Him. 

6) This passage highlights the humanity and deity of Jesus (read John 11:35, 44). If someone were to ask you about the humanity and deity of Jesus would you be able to explain that your friend? What verses would you use? 

7) The conclusion of the story is that Lazarus is raised from the dead (read John 11:38-44). Are there places in your spiritual life that feel dead right now and need new life? Share with your group what these places are and ask for prayer. 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Good Shepherd | John 10:1-21

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | The Good Shepherd | John 10:1-21

In John 10 Jesus likens Himself to a Good Shepherd. Living in California we tend to be at a disadvantage to this imaginary. We might have pet a sheep at the zoo or seen one at a petting zoo but we lack the understanding of what a shepherd really does. Palestinian shepherds don’t drive their sheep with dogs but they lead them. Most of their sheep aren’t raised for slaughter but for wool. The shepherd would have a ten to twelve year relationship with the sheep. It was common for shepherds to name their sheep, sheep were extremely valuable to them. Listen in as Pastor Neal Benson teaches on how Abundant life is found under the protection of Jesus. 

1) Statistics show that that average American adult will live to be 77 years old. The average age decrease for those with a drug or alcohol addiction and increases for those in blue zones. What does it look like to live a full life and not an average life? 

2) Read John 10:1-6. Jesus teaches about the protective role of ancient shepherds. How did this message help you better understand the role of Jesus as a shepherd in your life? Can you think of one way that Jesus has shepherded you? 

3) Jesus taught us that the shepherd knows the sheep and the sheep know the shepherd (see John 10:14). Do you have a habit of listening to the voice of Jesus in your life? Take some time to read and discuss 1 Samuel 3:10. 

4) Jesus describes Himself as the gate for the sheep pen (read John 10:7-10). There is a stark contrast between a gate and a thief. Where do we currently see Jesus protecting us and where do we see the thief trying to destroy us? 

5) Jesus also described Himself as the Good Shepherd (read John 10:11-13). Jesus described several ways that He is the good shepherd in our life. Look over these ways and share where you’ve seen Jesus as the Good Shepherd in your life. 

6) We read that Jesus has a desire for all people to know Him (see John 10:16). Coastline is a church who believes the Gospel is for everyone. Read Genesis 12:1-3, Joel 2:32, and Matthew 28:19-20. How can we be actively involved in growing God’s Kingdom and sharing the love of Jesus? 

7) The conclusion of the story is continued division over who Jesus is (read John 10:19-21). The Pharisees can’t see to agree on who Jesus is. Why do you think they had such a tough time understanding Jesus? 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Spiritual Blindness | John 9

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Spiritual Blindness | John 9

Last week Jesus gave another “I am” statement. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” Today we’ll see that language continued in the Gospel of John. Today we’re looking at a story of a man who was born blind but healed by Jesus. It’s a story that should be encapsulated in joy. The man was blind and can now see! But the man is confronted by the religious leaders after his healing. He is interrogated instead of welcomed into the family of God. Finally the man gets to meet Jesus and learn about having spiritual eyes to see the truth around him. Today we’re going to see how Jesus can heal our eyesight but how Jesus makes blind men see.

1) We all have a story and Jesus came to earth to rewrite our brokenness into hope. Share with your group about when you met Jesus. Briefly talk about how you were once spiritually blind. What happened for your eyes to be opened to Jesus? 

2) The disciples asked Jesus a question about the man born blind (read John 9:1-5). So often we look for an easy to difficult problems. Can you think of a time where bad theology lead to you asking the wrong question? 

3) The healing of this man required obedience on his part (read John 9:6-7). In the Old Testament there is a story about Naaman who needed to act in obedience (read 2 Kings 5:13-15). Where is God asking you to act in obedience? 

4) We know how to act in obedience. We obey traffic patterns, follow the laws of the land, and listen to the instruction of our boss at work. Thinking about acting in obedience, what makes it so difficult to obey God in all areas of our lives? 

5) The Pharisees interrogated this man’s parents about his blindness (read John 9:18-23). His parents were afraid to answer this man because it would affect their status in the synagogue. Is there anyone you’re afraid to talk about Jesus with? 

6) The conclusion is that this man finds sight in Jesus and ultimately meets the one who healed him (read John 35-41). How first response is to worship Jesus. Where is a place where you’ve been withholding worship from Jesus? 

7) We talked about sharing our faith story with those around us by using the model in John 9 and Ephesians 4:22-24. Have you taken the time to write out your faith story? How do you feel about sharing your faith? What are some emotions that are invoked when you think about telling others about what Jesus has done in your life? 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus.