Our church is currently studying the book of Mark. For twenty-eight weeks we're walking through the book and talking about the action-packed story of Jesus. Mark was more concerned with what Jesus did than what Jesus said. For this series I volunteered to write the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.
Small Group Questions ||| Who do you say Jesus is? ||| Mark 8:22-9:1
Mark 8 continues with a miraculous healing of a blind man. This is one of the seven recorded healings of a blind man in the Gospel accounts. From the Northern Shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus brings the Disciples to the base of Mount Hermon. The mountain region are where revolutions are formed. Jesus asks the disciples who the people say He is. Peter responds with a succinct answer about the Messiah. At this Jesus reveals that His ultimate plan is to give up His life so that humanity can find freedom. If Jesus will die, that also means the disciples will share a death for being His followings. Study Mark 8:22-9:1 to see how we can live for Jesus today.
1) The Gospels share about seven blind men who were healed. Study these three miraculous healings (read: Matthew 9:27-31, Mark 8:22-26, and Luke 18:35-43). What are the similarities and differences in these healings?
2) Jesus brought the disciples to a place where idol worship was prominent. What are some common idols of our day/century? How does this relate to the Old Testament Commandment not to have any gods before God? (see Exodus 20:3)
3) Mark tells us that the people in Israel related Jesus to some of the most famous Israelites (read Mark 8:27-30). Why do you think the people thought that Jesus was John the Baptist, Elijah, or Jeremiah (Matthew 16:14).
4) The disciples knew who the crowd said Jesus was. Then Jesus turned and asked them a bold question (read Mark 8:29-30). Who you say Jesus is? In light of trusting Jesus, how has that changed the way you live your life?
5) Jesus began to teach the disciples that He must suffer and die. Suffering is a common theme for those who follow Jesus. Read Acts 9:15-16, Romans 5:3-5, and 1 Peter 4:16). How do you feeling about suffering for Jesus?
6) If a neighbor or close friend asked you to explain why Jesus had to suffer and die, what would your response be? Substitutionary atonement is the theological truth that Jesus atoned for our sins when we couldn’t (Read Hebrews 10:1-10, 1 Timothy 2:5-6, and 2 Corinthians 5:21)
7) Jesus taught the crowd that if they lost their life for the Gospel they would find it (read Mark 8:34-38). What holds people back from finding life in Jesus?
Close your time in prayer
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