Our church is doing a four-week sermon series called: "Questions from God." We are looking at times in the Old Testament where God asked questions from His people. The questions pertain to different subjects and situations (kind of like our lives). They take place in different time periods showing that questions from God are always relevant. In this series we are learning how to hear God's voice and follow His leading. For this series I volunteered to write the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.
Small Group Questions ::: Questions from the Throne ::: Isaiah 6
In 742 B.C. Isaiah was in the Temple of the Lord. The king had passed away and Israel was looking for leadership. They had looked to a human king when God wanted them to Him as their eternal King. Isaiah chapter 6 looks like a good introduction to the life of the prophet. The book of Isaiah is about the faithfulness of God to an unfaithful people. Isaiah is a priest ministering in the Temple when he finds himself in the presence of our Holy God. The temple, in Jerusalem, is filled with the glory of the Lord. Some scholars think that Isaiah was in the company of the priests, meaning he wasn’t the only priest who experienced this interaction with God. But Isaiah is the only one who volunteers to go for the Lord. Open your Bible to Isaiah 6 and study God’s word in community.
1) Neal introduced the sermon and talked about volunteering. He volunteered to go to Africa in 2006 and it radically changed his life. What is something you have volunteered for that has changed you?
2) Read Isaiah 6:1-5. We read about Seraphim praising the Lord. Read Psalm 8, Psalm 19, and Romans 1:20. Discuss what these verses teach us about the glory of God.
3) In the presence of God is where Isaiah sees the depth of his sinfulness and the sinfulness of Israel. Read Matthew 8:5-13. Talk about the power of being in the presence of God.
4) Read Isaiah 6:7-9. Isaiah hears the voice of God and responds to the question. Read 1 Samuel 3. How can we learn to hear the voice of God in our daily life?
5) The call of Isaiah teaches us about the doctrine of: The priesthood of all believers. God has called all of us into ministry roles in the place we find ourselves. Read 1 Peter 2:5-9, Acts 2:1-4, & 1 Timothy 2:1-4. How can you live as a minister this week?
6) Isaiah knows that ministry can be a difficult calling (read Isaiah 6:10-13). Read Hebrews 6:4, 10:24-25, and 1 Samuel 30:6. How do you stay encouraged as a servant of the Lord?
7) Coastline has a core value of being outreach focused (read John 1:41-42, Acts 2:47, 17:16-34, and Luke 15:1). Talk about what is holding you back from your sharing your faith in Jesus. How can you step out in faith this week?
Close your time in prayer. Talk about who you will invite to Coastline on Sunday.
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