This last year served as a magnifying glass in so many areas. Think about your life and how it changed. Some people who’ve been thinking about moving to another state are gone! People started to think more about the time God had given them and how they were spending it. Marriages were either strengthened or broken. People with financial issues either rose to solve those or cracked under the pressure. Life changed happened for millions of people for the better. Let me share the thesis statement for this sermon: I’m convinced that if you show me your calendar, the apps on your phone, and your bank statement I can tell you what is important to you. It seemed like a waste to leave these small group questions in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.
Small Group Questions | Stepping out of the blur | Matthew 6:19-24
Looking back, the last year helped many people to re-evaluate the focus of their life. This last year served as a magnifying glass in so many areas. In some areas it was also an accelerant for things already taking place in our lives. Think about your life and how it changed in certain areas. The last year helped many to really evaluate the focus of their lives. In some cases, relationships were restored, finances were taken under control and time management improved. In other cases it was just the opposite. Neal made this statement: I’m convinced that if you show me your calendar, the apps on your phone, and your bank statement I can tell you what is important to you. Let’s study these questions together and learn about our focus.
1) This last year served as a magnifying glass in so many areas. Think about your life and how it changed. Share one area of your life that changed for the better because the pandemic required you to slow down and adjust your focus.
2) Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. Solomon shares a variety of ways that we spend our time here on earth. Looking at this list, what is one area you need to focus your time on right now? Read Matthew 5:23-24 to talk about rebuilding relationships.
3) Solomon teaches us about eternity and the beauty in life (read Ecclesiastes 3:9-14). How will you use your time to best honor God in this world? Think about how you can adjust your schedule to focus on spiritual growth.
4) Read Leviticus 11:45 and 1 Peter 1:16. God instructs us to be holy because He is holy. What is a good definition of holiness? Think about how you can use the apps in your life to live a holy life.
5) Read Joel 2:12, Proverbs 3:5-6, and Galatians 5:19-23. Open your phone and check your screen time. Go around the group and share how much you’ve been on your phone today and this week. Does your screen time honor the Lord?
6) In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught us about our relationship to money (read Matthew 6:19-24). We have to ask ourselves this question: Do I value my bank account more than God? How are you doing at loving God more than money?
7) Our relationship to money is an important relationship to keep an eye on. How has this sermon, and these questions, helped you to think about money in a new light? Take some time to review your spending and see where your money is going.
Close your time in prayer
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