Title: The Christian Mind: How should a Christian Think?
Author: Harry Blamires
Pages: 191
Publisher: Regent College Publishing (1963)
Favorite Quote: "If Christians cannot communicate as thinking beings, there are reduced to encountering one another only at the shallow level of gossip and small talk."
Review: To start out honestly this book bored me to death for the first forty pages! I really thought that I would never finish this read. Maybe it was due to taking a few day off of reading or just something else this book became alive to me!
I began to see, and understand, what Blamires is talking about in this book. I started to understand the concepts he was presenting and how he continued to share that Christians do not know how to think like Christians. At first I was a bit upset but as I continued reading I began to understand what he meant and came to the conclusion that he is right.
We have Christians in this world that are more concerned with thinking about politics than thinking like Christians. There are people in this world who call themselves Christians that care more about being an American than being a Christian. Being a Christian causes your life to be altered; it changes everything in you and about you. You begin to think differently, act differently and engage the world differently when you surrender your life to Christ. The sad thing it that far too many people are a Christian in their heart and not in their mind.
I am going to recommend this book to you if you want a challenge in your life. If you want to read some words that are going to shake your thoughts in life than run to order this book today! But if you want to just keep living how you are living then don't read this book. This book will require you to think about how you interact with the world around you and how you can engage it as a Christian!
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