Title: Water from a Deep Well
Author: Gerald L. Sittser
Pages: 365
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
Favorite Quote: "But we should never work so much that we neglect prayer, which in my minds seems the more urgent discipline, at least in our culture."
This book was one of three books that were required reading for my Church History course. This book really taught me about many different eras of Church History and was a great compliment to the other books we read.
I feel like this book is very readable where some books like this could be very difficult to understand. Sittser presents the information in a way that you can grasp and makes it easy to apply to your life. I personally enjoyed the first couple chapters most as I really dig the monastic practices.
If you are looking for a book that will give you an overview of Church History in understandable language then you need to check this out.
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