Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Mark 10:46-52 Small Group Questions

Our church is currently studying the book of Mark. For twenty-eight weeks we're walking through the book and talking about the action-packed story of Jesus. Mark was more concerned with what Jesus did than what Jesus said. For this series I volunteered to write the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions ::: Healing Faith ::: Mark 10:46-52

Mark let us know that Jesus is leading the way to Jerusalem. As He progresses towards His destination we see a unique interaction. Jesus ceases His forward progress to listen to the request of a blind beggar. Throughout the Gospel we’ve seen Jesus interact with the least of these all the way to the religious leaders. Jericho is the last city before Jesus heads to Jerusalem. Notice the details Mark provides in this interaction. The crowd is unreceptive to Bartimaeus until Jesus is receptive. Bartimaeus is obviously blind, but Jesus asks him a poignant question. Jesus shows up that everyone matters to God. Jesus teaches us that in Him we find the wholeness we desire.

1) Have you ever had a disease that limited your ability to function in life? Have you ever been hospitalized or been in a situation where the doctors didn’t know how to solve the ailments you experienced?

2) Bartimaeus addresses Jesus as; “The Son of David.” This is the first time in Mark we see that title associated with Jesus. Read Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5-6, 2 Samuel 7:12-16. What does Scripture teach us about Jesus coming in the line of king David?

3) Read Mark 10:46-49. As Bartimaeus was shouting for Jesus the crowd rebuked Him. There will come times in our life that people want to hold us back from following Jesus. Read 1 Corinthians 15:33 and talk about how you can continue to pursue Jesus even when those around you discourage you from doing so.

4) Read Mark 10:48-49. The crowd rebuked Bartimaeus but when Jesus spoke up to Bartimaeus their attitude change. Read Matthew 25:31-46 and talk about how your group can treat the least of these in our community. Talk about serving with Coastline on Saturday February 24 and SurfRider.

5) Bartimaeus asked Jesus to show him mercy. The apostle Paul speaks of the mercy God showed to him (read 1 Timothy 1:13). How has God shown you mercy?

6) When Bartimaeus was face to face with Jesus he is asked what he wants (read Mark 10:50-51). What would you ask Jesus today?

7) In Mark 10 we see two different men with two different responses to Jesus. Read Mark 10:24 & 10:52. Compare the responses of these men and discus their actions. What held one back and gave the other freedom. How does each story close?

Close your time in prayer.

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