Monday, November 10, 2014

Campus Pastor Qualities

Last month I had the privilege of attending Exponential West at Saddleback Church. This was my first time attending an Exponential Conference and I was through thankful for the opportunity to attend. I'm not solely thankful for the free ticket another church gave me to attend or for the teaching of the people who were there but also for the friends I was able to reunite with. The combination of all three of these made for a great 48 hour trip to So Cal.

As someone who is new to multi-site ministry and being a campus pastor I was very thankful for the breakout sessions I was able to attend. Its extremely difficult to find venues where guys are talking about multi-site ministry so to get anything was a treat.

In one of the sessions I attended they talked about what are the qualities you should look for in a campus pastor. Here is what I wrote down:
+ Be humble
+ Be teachable
+ Must be able to be a lead pastor but follow well
+ Know how to be under authority and also over it
+ Must be able to communicate the vision of the Church (not just the campus)
+ Empowered enough but enough room for themselves
+ Must believe in the model the Church is using
+ How to know how authority works
+ Work under authority and with authority (think what is best for: kingdom, church & community)
+ Strong emotional & relational  intelligence

What would you add to the list?

Thursday, November 06, 2014

We’re Pregnant!!! (I mean, Charity is pregnant)

It was a normal Sunday morning; nothing out of the ordinary. I awoke early, snuck out of bed, quietly shut the door to the girls room and headed to the couch so I could read my Bible before anyone woke up. As I’m writing this I can’t recall what I read but it was somewhere in the prophets, most likely Ezekiel.

After reading I crept back into the bedroom and quietly slipped into our bathroom. I heard Charity begin to stir in the house but thought nothing of it and just hoped our girls wouldn’t wake up. In a few minutes she found me in the bathroom; for some reason I thought something was wrong. It could have been the fact that was out of our routine, but maybe she just couldn’t sleep and wanted to talk.

She broke the silence and said: “Is this is a good time to tell you something?”

I wasn’t sure how to respond. Honestly, we had some rough conversations this weekend and I was feeling pretty bad about my actions.

I replied; “You bet, what’s up?”

There was silence.

Then she pulled it out. I’ve seen one of these before. Its been a while, almost five years, since she last showed me one of these. I was in shock. I vividly remember my mouth falling open… Charity is pregnant!