Author: Basil Miller
Pages: 159
Recommend: YES
Quotable: "I have served Satan much in my younger years, and I desire now with all my might to serve God during the remaining days of my earthly pilgrimage."
It seems safe for one to ask something like: "Neal are you really reading a book about a man from Europe who was born over 200 years ago?" To which I would answer something like: "Why, yes I am!"
This is a book that I have read a few times and every time I read it I am encouraged. The short story goes something like this: George Muller lived a life uncommitted to God until one day God radically grabbed his heart. George was attending seminary and preparing to lead a church. Seeing the state of the local church he decided to pray and see what God could do through a life fully surrendered to Him. George then founded an organization that helped thousands of orphans (yep, thousands). He sent millions to missions and got millions of Bibles into the hands of people who were far from God. The best part is George never asked for a penny from anyone and prayed in every dollar. After he died (over 90 years of age) the ministry continued because he empowered leaders to lead. This is a man who really trusted in the Lord for everything!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:5-6My take-a-way from this book is something different. This book encourages me to seek the face of God for all my needs. When I live in a culture that doesn't respect trusting in God it makes me want to see God show up more than ever. George reminds me that God loves to answer the requests of those who are fully devoted to Him. I want to be more devoted to Him. I want to live a life that requires faith; a life that is not answerable by human intellect.
If you're looking for a book that shows a life devoted to God in prayer and faith order this right now! Next time you think you're prayers don't matter to God think again.