Monday, January 29, 2024

Evidence of our love  | John 14:15-31

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Evidence of our love  | John 14:15-31

In John 13-17 we see Jesus take time to intentionally teach the disciples about His upcoming departure. In our passage today Jesus starts out with a conditional statement about their love for Jesus. Jesus says that we show our love for Him by obeying His commandments. Throughout our text we’re going to read that lesson taught time and time again. Jesus knows that the cross awaits and it seems like no matter how many times Jesus teaches that lesson to the disciples they can’t grasp it. Our text also has one of the greatest promises from Jesus; the Holy Spirit. In the next couple of chapters we will learn more about the work of the Holy Spirit from Jesus. 

1) Neal shared a story about speeding on his drive to seminary. Instead of lying to the officer he told the truth. Share a time when you broke the law and got caught. What was the crime and what was the punishment? 

2) Read John 14:15, 21, 23-24. Jesus says that if we love Him we will obey His commands. As you think about the commands of Jesus, what are some of the most difficult for you to obey? (see Matthew 6:34, 7:12, 22:39, 28:19-20)

3) Read John 14:18-20. Jesus promises to leave the Holy Spirit and that even though Jesus is gone, He will remain with us. Share about a time in your life when you felt lonely but realized that Jesus was still with you and He comforted you. 

4) In John 14:16 Jesus tells the disciples that He will send the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit came for an event, reason, or purpose (read Judges 6:34, 15:14, 1 Samuel 16:14, and 2 Chronicles 24:20). What is the difference of the momentary experiences in the Old Testament and promise Jesus makes here?

5) Jesus says that our love for Him will be evident in our obedience to His commands (read John 14:15, 21, 23-24). Think about how you show love to those who are closest to you, share some of those examples with your group. Why do you do this? 

6) The Bible gives us several examples of people who loved God and expressed that through obedience (read Daniel 10:11, James 2:23, Acts 13:22, and John 13:23). Why is Jesus so repetitive in us loving Him?

7) Read John 14:26. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and remind us of everything Jesus said. Share a time when you found yourself in a situation where the Holy Spirit reminded you of the truth of God. 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Flip Fuel 20% off coupon

Several times last year I saw info on the flip fuel or other similar devices. Last month I finally got my hands on one and I think this is going to be a game changer for backpacking. No more half empty cans. No more debating what can to bring on your next trip. Less waste!

If you want a Flip Fuel at 20% off use my code: NEAL20 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Three Choices  | John 13:18-38

The Gospel of John is a unique and powerful account of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Written by John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, this gospel presents a deep and thoughtful perspective on the person and work of Jesus. Unlike the other three gospels, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels and focus on Jesus' actions and teachings, John's gospel emphasizes the spiritual and theological significance of Jesus' life and ministry. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Three Choices  | John 13:18-38

Today we’re moving back into the Gospel of John. In John 1 we’re introduced to Jesus as the Son of God. These are some of the most elevated statements about Jesus in the entire New Testament. Next, in John 2-10 the primary focus is on the miracles, signs, teaching, and controversies surrounding Jesus. We see Jesus turn water into wine, feed the masses, and teach like no one has ever taught. Next, in John 11-12 we read that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Jesus puts Himself in harms way to heal His friends. It’s a selfless act of love. All of this leads us to John 13 where we start the upper room discourse where Jesus gives the disciples a new command to love. 

1) When you heard the story of the elementary boy who made his own T-shirt for the college color day at his school what did you think? Did the story bring up any emotion or thoughts for you about loving others and how to do that better? 

2) In John 13 Jesus gives the disciples a new command to love each other (Read John 13:34-35). This command was given to those who follow Jesus. What makes it easy to love some people and what makes it challenging to love others? 

3) As we think about loving others what are some lessons you’ve learned that have helped you love others? Read these passages and use them as prompt to help you love others (1 Corinthians 13:4, Romans 13:8, Philippians 2:3, and Mathew 5:43-48)  

4) The opposite of love is to betray a person. Judas had already struck a deal with the religious leaders to hand Jesus over (read John 13:18-30). What do you think are the small choices that Judas made to come to this big decision to betray Jesus? 

5) Being betrayed might be one of the most heart wrenching things that can happen to us in life. If you’re willing to share about a time you were betrayed and how you dealt with that. When betrayal happens, how can you turn to Jesus who also knows what it’s like to be betrayed? 

6) Near the end of our passage Jesus predicts Peter’s upcoming denial (read John 13:36-38). Peter is a man who is zealous for Jesus and can’t fathom this happening. What happens in our life that lead to us slowly walking away from Jesus? 

7) When you think about the entirety of this passage what stands out most to you? Do you think you’re in a spot where you would betray Jesus, are you considering denying Jesus? Where can you grow in your love for others this week?  

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus.