Friday, August 22, 2008

6 days left

Today marks six days till Charity's due date. We are both pretty scared still. The contractions are still happening so I think we are just in wait mode. I have heard that it can take up to three weeks to get the baby out (not stoked). Charity is not in super bad pain, but I know she is feeling pretty bad. She had some gnarly contractions this morning during breakfast. It is so amazing having her sister her to help us through and work on all this. I am able to go to work and get some stuff done (nothing huge, too focused on making sure she is ok). It is nice, she just got a Macbook, so we can do video chat. I like to see how she is doing.
Please keep praying for us!

1 comment:

brian c. berry said...


I'm praying it up for you. Enjoy this season. Such a cool thing. Maybe our paths will cross at the gathering this year. Maybe not since the new one will be weeks old. But I'm super stoked for all 3 of you!