Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sophie Marie Benson 8-26-2008

Watch out world, here I come! Welcome Sophie Marie Benson into the world.
Charity and I went to the hospital at about 3pm. By 6pm she was dilated to 8cm and her water was broken. Around 8pm she was fully dilated and ready to go. Our doctor arrived to the hospital about an hour later and pushing began. At 9:44pm out came Sophie:

Here is the first time I held Daddy's hand:

Check me out! Sophie wanted to sit up and see Mommy, she was tired:

About 20 min later Sophie was taken to the NNICU (Neo Natal Infant Care Unit) because she had inhaled some meconium into her lungs. She will most likely be there for about 2-3 days. Please pray for God to work in a miraculous way in our baby's life!


Salazar Family said...

Sweet man! Congrats!!! Prayin for the familia. How does it feel to be a Papi? Now the fun begins!!

Kristal Sawyer said...

Congrats you guys! Praying for Sophie and for you guys... Can't wait to meet her!

Onsolidrock said...

Congratulations Neal and Charity !
Another job well done ! ha ha.

I have placed little Sophie on an awesome prayer chain, so she is going to fabulous in no time at all...

Nancy Rock

Onsolidrock said...

Congratulations Neal and Charity !
Another job well done ! ha ha.

I have placed little Sophie on an awesome prayer chain, so she is going to be fabulous in no time at all...

Nancy Rock

Jason Stewart said...

Praise God. We are so happy for you guys. Deuteronomy 6:4-9

brian c. berry said...

Dude I'm so stoked for you. Can't wait to see you next and so excited that Charity is here. Welcome to fatherhood officially.

brian c. berry said...
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Anonymous said...

She's already a cutie! Shout out from 'Dago, Kelly and I are too happy for you two. Hope mama gets her rest, Sophie recoops well and dad will have to buy a gun and join the pastor dads of cute daughters club!


Cliff Carey said...

She is so stinkin' cute. Congrats Neal and Charity. Being a parent is pretty much the greatest privilege God could ever grant. You guys are gonna do great!

Unknown said...

Oh Neal! She's beautiful! She's in good hands and I'm sure she will be heading home very soon...