Monday, March 25, 2013

LoveWorks Weekend

I don't know of many churches that are purposefully locking their doors on Sunday morning... to be honest it seems pretty crazy to do something like that right?  I mean for most churches Sunday is the BIG day of the week; its the only day that pastors work so why would someone close a church?

This weekend our church closed the doors and locked them.  We locked the doors of all three of our campus'.

Now before you think we are totally crazy let me tell you why.  For the last number of months a core team of people have been planning an weekend of service called LoveWorks.  I'm pretty sure that we sent over 1500 people into our community to just be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Let me clarify real quick.  We didn't do this to go and recruit more people to our church.  We didn't do it to proselytize the sinners.  We did it because we want to show people that the church is good.  We did it because there are needs in our community.  We did it because we have some rad people who care more about others than their personal time.

Moving to a more personal note I lead a project where we took gift baskets to local Police and Fire Stations.  It was so rad going to Trader Joe's to shop with my kids for the Firemen; they loved picking out items for the gift baskets.

On Saturday afternoon we started baking some yummy treats to put in the baskets for our First Responders

Then on Sunday morning, instead of going to church, 30+ people came to our house to assemble to the baskets for these heroes!

Finally we broke into 4 teams and headed off to one Police Station and seven Fire Stations to deliver the goods!

I wish I could describe what a blessing it was to serve with my family this weekend... but I can't or I may start crying.

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