Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Who We Worship | Deuteronomy 6

This summer our church is taking nine weeks to focus our heart, soul, and mind on worship. For the summer we’re going to focus our attention on worshipping God. We’re going to submit ourselves to the creator of the universe and see what Scripture teaches us about worship. For this series we’ll look at a variety of passages that teach us about worship. For this series I will write some of the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions | Who We Worship | Deuteronomy 6

This summer we’re taking nine-weeks to focus our hearts on worship. The word, worship, describes the acts of the mind, heart and will where we joyfully acknowledge the worth of God. In the 1600’s a group of English and Scottish Theologians gathered, with layman, to bring the church of England into greater conformity with the Church of Scotland. From this gathering emerged the Westminster Shorter Catechism which states, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.” In other words, we were made to worship! Take some time to work through these questions on your own or with a group to grow your heart to worship God with everything you have. 

1) The act of worship is an all-encompassing act in our lives. When you think about worship what do you primarily think about? Anticipating there will be several answers in your group, take some time to share on each response.   

2) Read Deuteronomy 6:4-5. This passage is an instruction from Moses for Israel to worship God. Jesus shared the same commandment at the Temple in Jerusalem (Matthew 22:37 & Mark 12:29-30). What does it look like to worship God with every fiber of our being? How would that be lived out in your life? 

3) Often we view love as coming from the heart so this might be the easiest way to love God. How can we actively demonstrate our love for God by engaging our hearts fully? (see Joshua 22:5, Proverbs 4:23, and 1 John 4:19) 

4) Sometimes we neglect our soul because we don’t know how to connect with God on a regular basis and love Him with our soul. In what areas of our lives do we truly love God with all our souls? (see Psalm 19:7, 23:3, 42:2, 62:1).  

5) Our church is passionate about people loving God with their entire mind. What does it look like in your life to think theologically and love God with your entire mind? 

6) Throughout our passage Moses taught the Israelites to pass these commands to their children (read Deuteronomy 61-3, 7-9, 20-25). No matter what stage you’re at in your parenting, what does it look like to live this out? 

7) Here at Coastline we have a core value of; Putting God First. One of the ways we do that is through a lifestyle of worship. When you think about worshipping God with every fiber of your being, where do you need to grow? 

Close your time in prayer. Pray for strength to invite a friend to meet Jesus. 

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