Title: Forgiving the Unforgivable
Author: David Stoop
Pages: 149
Publisher: Regal
Quotable: "The more we understand how much we've been forgiven, the more we are able to forgive." page 74
Recommendation: Great read, be ready to act
Forgiving the Unforgivable is a book that my counselor recommended to me (yep, I see a counselor). Interestingly enough she recommended about four books for me to get. I ordered all of them, from Amazon, and this is the only one that ended up at my house (Amazon said that my address didn't exist for the other three that I ordered at the same time).
This is a book that I read while on sabbatical when I took some solitude time to spend with God and work on my own issues. The truth is I have issues; I have messed up and I have been hurt in life. When I started reading this book I made it to the first Chapter and put it down only to pick it up eighteen months later and love it! There were times, in Duck Creek Village, that I would sit on the couch, lay in the bed, sit by the fire and not be able to put this book down. I had to "force" myself to put it down to process my emotions.
This book taught me some great things! In my life I have a tendency to place the blame on others; in other words I like to make my problem your fault. I have learned how unhealthy that is and have done my best to work on that. Stoop has some actions plans in place on how to work at forgiveness better, understand the emotions involved in that, how to not forgive too quickly and overlook the problem. This book requires action from the reader. At the end of every chapter there are questions to ask yourself about the topic and how you can respond. The bottom line is this is a great book but it will require action on your behalf if you read.
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