Monday, December 15, 2008

Sold my x-box

Yep, that rights. I sold my x-box 360 on eBay yesterday. Charity and I started talking about getting a Wii about 3 weeks ago and asked for one for Christmas. After we asked we started talking about it more and decided that we don't need two game systems. I thought about it more and decided that if my wife will play Wii with me than I will sell my x-box 360.
So right now my x-box is sitting in a box all packed up and waiting to be shipped (the buyer on eBay still needs to pay). Once that happens we are on the look out for a great deal on a Wii. We will probably buy a used one on eBay to save money.
It has been really cool with Charity not working and us having the time to spend together and also to be wiser with our money, we are really seeing God work!


Ryan Guard said...

I didn't want to tell you this, because I think I'm in first place to win it right now... but go to this link and check out their Wii giveaway. I bet if you donate half of what you were going to spend on the Wii you'll win it. Maybe :)


Ryan Guard said...

Nope, I'm not winning. Someone dropped a $350 donation today. I am but a minister!

Neal Benson said...

Where did you find it? I think that link is wrong...