Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Family Walk (and a little lion hunting)

That may sound weird for some people "family walk"

I am fully aware of that; but that is something that my family has chosen to do pretty much on a daily basis (granted the weather is favorable).  Most every day my family eats dinner and then we head out for a family walk around the complex.  On that walk we do a variety of things:

  • Talk about our days
  • Get the mail
  • Try to catch lizards
  • Pet the neighbors dogs
  • Talk with our neighbors
  • Laugh and connect as a family
See family walk gives me some time to really connect with my family and focus on them.  It gets us out of the house, away from the TV and outside with each other.  It is something the girls look forward to!  It allows them to run around, in the grass, get some fresh air and take out their cool toys (Leah rides the braught braught and sometimes Sophie rides her scooter).  When Sophie was younger she LOVED the braught braught and now she has passed that fun on to her sister!

Today family walk was missing Charity so I decided to film a little video of Sophie and how big she is getting!  She is getting pretty good at her scooter and maneuvering it all over the place on our walk.  Today she took a break from the scooter to go lion hunting also!

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