Our church is currently studying the book of Mark. For twenty-eight weeks we're walking through the book and talking about the action-packed story of Jesus. Mark was more concerned with what Jesus did than what Jesus said. For this series I volunteered to write the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone
Small Group Questions ::: Household Matters ::: Mark 10:1-31
As Jesus continues making His way to Jerusalem, Mark shares several teaching moments of Jesus. In this passage we learn about household matters. There is a natural progression of marriage, to children, to whom we choose to worship. Things in the home impact how we view children, which stem from our commitment to Jesus. These verses might be some of the most difficult to study because of the toll that divorce has on a person’s life. Take time to study these questions as a group and be sensitive to the working of the Holy Spirit in the time of your group. Someone might have areas of pain from their childhood or decisions that have left scars.
1) How would you describe our cultures current view on marriage and divorce? How is this impacting the family unit and young children?
2) God’s original intent for marriage was a lifetime commitment (read Genesis 2:24). Moses permitted the Israelites to divorce because their hearts were hard (read Deuteronomy 24:1-4). What was Jesus longing to see happen (read Mark 10:9)?
3) In a private teaching, Jesus taught the disciples about marriage (read Mark 10:1-12). How do you think the importance of this teaching impacted the disciples? Look at Hebrews 13:4 in connection with this verse and talk more about marriage.
4) Jesus used a child to teach a lesson on humility (read Mark 9:35-37). Why do we so often try to avoid being as vulnerable as a little child? How come we have a hard time trusting that God will provide all our needs (read Proverbs 3:5-6).
5) For Jesus to embrace the little child and talk about welcoming children in His name is a big deal (Mark 10:13-16). Do you find yourself viewing children as a blessing or a burden? Where is God asking you to invest in the life of a younger believer?
6) The rich young ruler couldn’t loosen the grip that money had on his heart (read Mark 10:17-27). He might be the only person to leave Jesus’ presence worse off then when he came. What is an important lesson that you’ve learned about money? How can you use money to build God’s kingdom?
7) Neal shared that we all have something in our life that can hold us back from following Jesus. If you were to fall at the feet of Jesus, what is the one thing He would ask you to leave so you can follow Him?
Close your time in prayer and pray for Bring a friend Sunday on February 2.
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