Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Jesus, the hope of the world | Small Group Questions

Coastline Bible Church is doing a five-week sermon series called: "Searching for Christmas." As we approach the Christmas season we wanted to take a look at some of the most famous words ever spoken about Jesus. We might be familiar with the New Testament accounts of Jesus but what if we looked back, hundreds of years earlier, to the prophecies spoken about Jesus. For this series I volunteered to write the small group questions that go along with each sermon. It seemed like a waste to leave them in a file on my computer and not share them with everyone.

Small Group Questions ::: Jesus, the hope of the world ::: Various Scriptures 

As we move into the Christmas season we’re starting a brand new sermon series titled: Searching for Christmas. The Christmas season brings great joy and hope to many people. On the contrary, some people have placed their hope in the wrong person or the wrong situation. The reality is that we are all searching for something. In the opener of this sermon series we will look throughout the Bible and search for Christ. From the prophets who foretold the coming of Jesus to the apostles who’s lives were radically transformed by His power. The call of Christmas is for us to look back on God’s faithfulness in sending Jesus, and to look forward to our hope of glory where God will liberate humanity, and the entire universe, from evil.

1) Bert started his sermon by sharing about how much fun he is having searching the Scriptures with his kids and studying advent. Have you started an advent reading? Share what you’re learning as you’re searching for Christ this week. 

2) Hope, in the bible, is a peculiar thing. And seems like a really vital component to how we relate to God. Read Romans 5:3-5. What is something that you’ve placed your hope in that has disappointed you? 

3) One problem with hope is: We convince ourselves we don’t need hope. Read Matthew 1:18-25 and talk about how the coming of Jesus brings us hope that we didn’t think we need. What sticks out to you most in this account? 

4) A second problem with hope is: We think hope equals optimism. Paul wrote to the early church about being focused on God (read 1 Corinthians 9:19-27). How are you training yourself in hope or how do you want to train yourself in being hopeful? 

5) A third problem with hope is: We often put our hope in all the wrong things. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus addressed this very issue (read Matthew 6:19-24). What do you need to change to put your hope in the right place? 

6) The final problem with hope is: We think hope is only about the future. Read Luke 12:22-31 and talk about how we can hope in Jesus today, we don’t have to wait until tomorrow. What is one thing you’re hopeful for right now? 

7) As we wait in eager exception for Christ have someone read Revelation 21:1-5 and Romans 15:13. Share how you can be a hope dealer during the month of December as so many people are more open to the gospel message. 

Close your time in prayer. Talk about who you will invite to Coastline Online? 

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