This weekend our friends Carlos and Diyi came over and brought some much needed Starbucks! Thanks a million guys. Sophie loves them (already) and fell asleep on Diyi's lap. It was fun to have them over on Saturday. Jessica ended up leaving on Sunday and that was not so exciting. Jessica has been a huge help to have her with us. She was able to drive Charity around and did some errors for us that just needed to be done. We will miss you Jessica!
On Sunday we had some people come over and pray for Sophie. She has been kinda fussy lately and we're not too sure what is really going on. Please pray for Sophie and us. It is so hard for Charity to be up so much and when your kid is crying and you have no idea what the problem is it can be extremely frustrating.
Thank you so much for praying and we appreciate it if you would keep praying as we are parents now! I have so much respect for parents and all they do.
1 comment:
Ahhhh the fussy baby. I've soo been there done that. I feel for you (especially Charity). RUN!!! to the store and buy "The Happiest Baby on the Block". The man is a fussy baby genius. Ignore the first bit about evolution it;s stupid and obviously wrong. But his 5 S's plan for calming a fussy baby is amazing. I have his VHS tape, which was super helpful with crankman Mason. If you have a VCR I'll mail it to you.
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